Today I was walking through the halls of the b school and I overheard two apparent BBA1's talking about BIT and that it was for computer dorks. I could not help but think that they could not be more wrong. I personally used knowledge from BIT 301 during my internship this summer and I worked in an accounting/finance department. It doesn't matter what field you are working in, you will use a database, or information technology. So for those of you who think that BIT is for dorks that like to sit in cubicles and not interact - you are wrong! Coupling BIT with another concentration (like finance or accounting) makes you a more well rounded employee and a greater asset to your company. Countless times during my work experience computers went down and databases were designed improperly - to be able to have someone readily available to fix these problems is invaluable (trust me it takes the IT department days before they respond to a request!) Anyways, I just wanted to reassure you that BIT can and will help you advance your career.
Just some food for thought!