I have been doing ER diagrams since last year in CIS 301. I even did a little bit at my job this summer. Although I have relatively limited knowledge of databases, I do have some tips to make reading ER diagrams a little easier. Tip 1: take it slowly. Too many times people try and work way too fast. Tip 2: don't try and look at the entire diagram at a whole, but rather try and break it up into subsections. This allows you to see entity relations easier and more clearly. Tip 3: write out each relation in words. This is a personal preference but it always helps me when dealing with cardinality or ternary relations. It also allows me to remember each relation without having to decipher the diagram over and over. I hope this post helps some people out, since I sensed there was some difficulty with people grasping it during class today.
Posted by: santhosh | October 18, 2004 at 01:30 AM